Open the Gates!

Take a close look at the picture of the Eastern Gate of the old city of Jerusalem.  You might want to click to enlarge it.  In particular, notice the cemetery in front of those gates, filled with the graves of Arab Muslims.  They built a graveyard there thinking to keep anyone from ever coming through those gates again.  As our Israeli guide shared this with us, I couldn’t contain the laughter.  Excuse me, but isn’t this the gate through which the glory of God will enter before filling His temple? 1 Doesn’t that effectively make this God’s Gate?  And man thinks he will keep God from using these gates by erecting a graveyard – filled with dead men’s bones – to guard it?

Luke 1:37 AMP For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment.

This scene, and the absurdity of it, came back to me as I prayed for someone who has known and served God with a burning zeal in the past, but has been offended and turned his back for a time.  In light of the facts behind the picture above, I would say that this person has been deceived by offense into thinking they have made themselves invisible to God, since they no longer want to see Him.  But the barrier they’ve built is made of dead stuff, and cannot keep Him out forever!

It’s laughable, in a sad kind of way, to read of this one’s plight.  As the beginning of another new year arrives, however, it would be good to consider what dead stuff we might have used in areas of our own lives to make a barrier against Almighty God?  Whatever they may be only keep us from the fullness of God’s power, love, and work in us – and His perfect protection of us.  Trying to eliminate access to what belongs to God spiritually, as the Arab Muslims have done physically around the Eastern Gate, won’t stop Him.  God’s good plans and purposes shall be fulfilled – and they are all good. 2

With the help of Holy Spirit, it’s time to scrape away those rocks and dig up those graves now – that the King of Glory shall come in! 3

1Ezekiel 43:1-7
2Jeremiah 29:11
3Psalm 24:7-10